Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Lesson from Biggest Loser

I admit... I'm hooked on the Biggest Loser show. I started watching it in 2005, when I was at my highest weight, and I've been watching it ever since. Sometimes there are moments on the show that help to bring about an "aha" moment for me. Last night was one of those.

One of the contestants, Arthur, was talking with Bob, saying "I've lost 150 pounds already, but I still have 300 to lose. 300 pounds! How am I ever going to do that?" Bob told him something like, "One day at a time. Every day, you do what Jillian and I tell you to do, and you will get there."

I know I don't have as much to lose as Arthur, but there are times when the thought of losing 30 more pounds seems overwhelming. I think "how am I going to do this?"

Bob's comment to Arthur last night really made me think. It's the same for me as it is for Arthur. I have a plan that works. I just need to stick to it. I just need to recommit on a daily basis.

I have weekly goals that I'm working on each week:
4.5 hours cardio
10 miles walk/jog
10 mile bike 
4 kettlebell workouts
Knit/crochet one item for sale on e-bay
Keep expenses on the charge card under $100
Stick to my diet plan 6 days – 1 day of "relaxed" eating

Having those goals written out on an index card, so I can look it over every day, has really helped me.

Today was a stressful day... I was tempted to get into some "comfort food", but I thought about Bob's comment to Arthur... and what I needed to do today to stay true to my goals. I went to the gym and jogged instead... 3 miles!

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