Monday, October 10, 2011

Changing my Focus

Well, it happened again. I was doing so well with diet & exercise, got stuck on a plateau, got discouraged, and fell off the diet & exercise wagon... big time. I recommitted at the beginning of October, but history repeated itself this week. I was disappointed with my weigh-in and slacked off... I let the voices telling me "you can't do this" get to me.  so I ended up gaining a pound or so this week. When I made my way back to LiveFit a few weeks ago, Jason asked me what my goals were. I sent back a long, rambling e-mail about wanting to get down to a certain weight, but feeling a lot of doubt because of my repeated failures. 

When Jason replied to my e-mail, he pointed out that in all my rambling about my goals, I never mentioned getting healthy. True. He said, "What if you stopped thinking about numbers and just focused on being healthy and making good food choices everyday?"

So that is what I am trying to do. When I was driving Bethany around today, we brainstormed about what would constitute a "Perfectly Healthy Day." I came up with a list of actions, like staying with my Weight Watchers points, exercising, drinking plenty of water, having fruits and vegetables, etc. 

Bethany took my rough draft and turned it into a cute poster that I'm putting on the fridge, inside my dry-erase frame... so I can check things off each day, and come up with a final grade. 
My scribbled draft, and Bethany's finished product.

The Finished Product

I got a 90 today - since I was on the run all day today, putting together a costume for this year's Clue Night at church, I didn't get in enough fruits and veggies, and forgot to get my morning fiber before I left the house. I will be shooting for a 100% grade every day... and you know what? As I shoot for being healthy every day, I'll eventually lose the weight!  

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