Wednesday, January 8, 2020

2020 Vision

Well, it's a new year... a new decade.

I got discouraged with blogging in 2019. And with the whole business aspect of selling my knit and crocheted items. I would start a project with high hopes that it was a hot item that would sell quickly...only to have it sit in inventory. I also had a record number of customers back out on custom orders. In every case, I bent my 50% deposit rule because they were a repeat customer, but I got burned.

So, for 2020, I'm working a different angle of the crochet business, working toward publishing my patterns. I'm focusing on small, quick projects that use up scrap yarn. The first five patterns will probably be:
Turtles - in two sizes. The feet are worked as you go, so the only sewing is the head!

Geckos - two sizes (Mom and baby). Option to make legs as you go, or to make them separately and sew them on. 

Mr. Troll... because that hair is just so much fun! And a sequin in the belly button? Yes! 

Mini Dinosaurs... with options for spikes, mohawk, stripes and dots. 

Caterpillar... make it multi-color, or all one color, with fuzz running down the back. 
The Rainbow Caterpillar sold quickly, so I made another one... this time in pink! 

As I test and proof my patterns, I will be making multiples of each item to list in my shops. 

I went through my spreadsheets (oh, how I love spreadsheets) and figured out which were my top fifteen best sellers for 2019, so I will focus on making those items (hedgehog, gecko, mermaid, unicorn, turtle, elephant, butter lamb, dragon, octopus, donut, cupcake, bottle sling, moose, taco, giraffe). Hopefully by the end of 2020, I will have a bit less in inventory, and a better final net sales, due to adding some pattern sales to the mix. 

So my focus for 2020 will be four-fold:
  • Using up my yarn stash
  • Working on publishing my designs in 5-pattern e-books
  • Sticking to my best-seller list as I make new items
  • Finishing up two afghans that I started years ago (Owl Obsession & Mandala Madness)
Getting orders is good, but it derails me from my plans... 
I got an order for a dozen potholders in gorgeous, bright colors! 

Then I got an order for some sea turtles... but I've made two, but I'm just not satisfied with how they turned out... trying again... 

And I'm working on a cow baby blanket. It's taking a bit longer than I thought, so loads of color changes, but it's going to be so cute! 

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