Monday, June 3, 2024


Since the beginning of 2024, I have been participating in a monthly YouTube challenge called the "Mystery Yarn Challenge". It is hosted by Lori, whose YouTube channel is The Armchair Chef

When I first started, you sent yarn to someone, you received yarn from someone, and you made projects with the yarn you received and posted the pictures on YouTube. Since then, options have expanded (such as a WIP only option, where you send pictures of the Works in Progress you will be working on that month, and submit pictures of the finished items at the end of the month). 

Due to some postal glitches in May, Lori decided to go a different route in June. She published a list of YouTube tutorials for stitches and projects and said if we complete any of the projects from the list, our name is in the running for a prize. If anyone finishes all the projects from a category (crochet or knit), they automatically win a prize. 

Since I both knit and crochet, I decided I'm going to shoot for both categories... so as soon as the tutorial playlist went up, I pulled out yarn and watched this video and made a chicken (LOL, using #MYC524 yarn!)

But wait! The night was still young, and I still had yarn, so I whipped up another project, this time in knit: 
The pattern called for you to stuff just the front, but leave a bed of stuffing in the back, and put candy on top of that. I could just picture little fingers pulling all the stuffing out, so I closed off the front and made a planter that fits a plant from Dollar Tree. 

Oh, wait... let's do one more chicken! 

It took a few days to finish up my next project because I had a bunch of projects in the works, but I made a triangle wrap from this tutorial using a big cake of bulky yarn I got from Temu and size 13 needles. 

The next day, I finished a bright pink sun hat from this video

The next day, I went back to the chicken pattern again and made "The Blue Bird of Fluffiness" 

I took some time for other projects, then came back to projects by finishing a chunky cowl using vintage ribbon yarn. 

Sticking with crochet, I used the Ice Cream Stitch to make a ten-inch square which will eventually be put into a blanket for Boggy Creek Camp. 

Back to knitting: a purple cotton dishcloth in Edelweiss stitch. Who wants to sing Sound of Music songs while doing dishes? 

Then a crocheted square using the Tulip Stitch

I finished the mesh sweater! 

And the Beginner's Crochet Tote
And the Strawberry Square... but I didn't get a picture of that yet. 

Then I switched to knit to make the 2 x 2 beanie in pastels: 

Then another knit hat: the spiral rib: 

Then some knit baby booties:

I knit a fish-shaped dishcloth: 

Then I made the "Afternoon Stroll Cowl", which finished off 8 knit projects for me! 

Project Count:  18
Crochet 10
Knit 8

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