Thursday, August 31, 2023

September 2023 Goals

 My next craft show is 9/30/23... so I have the month to stock up on best sellers! My September list is ambitious... Let's see if I can get it all done! 

1. Ankylosaur - One of my best sellers. Here is a blog post showing the variety I've made! DONE! 

2. Socksy Dachsie - my own pattern. I've made so many of them, I have a blog post showing them! Socksy Dachsie Post DONE

3. Beagle - again, my own pattern - DONE

4. Corgi - and my own pattern once again. I've made 5 of these, and they have sold quickly. 

Well, I got a custom order asking if I could make my Corgi in blue and pink to look like a picture she sent... So I'm counting that... DONE

5. #amibookchallenge - a scrap critter from my new book Annie's Crochet Patchword Animals - DONE 

6. #amigurumiwars2023 spotlight designer - I'll be making the reindeer from Lyra Lune Designs. If I have time, I may also make her free unicorn pattern. I lost my motivation for doing this... the head is so big, and I'd rather make a bunch of smaller projects. 

7. I got 5 skeins of glow in the dark yarn from Joanns this week. My goal is to turn all five skeins into a basket of adorable glow in the dark monsters and critters. 

First skein made two critters...

I ended up with a dozen.

8. Fidget octo design - DONE

9. Crazy Critter Challenge.... this month's number was 8531, which translates to a purple monster with yellow stripes. DONE

10. Present for the birthday girl. My 3rd granddaughter turns 3 on September 24, and I have an idea for a gift based on one of her favorite cartoon shows. DONE - but her party isn't until 10/1, so I'm not putting pics here. 

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