It was a bright and sunny day....
I got a FB message telling me there was a garage sale at the Blair Farm, a small family farm about three miles from my house. I would pass right by it driving from work to my daughter's house. The message said "there's lots of yarn."
Oh, but I'm trying to stick to a yarn diet... and my Etsy shop has been dead lately... I'm currently on day 14 of a sales drought... a new record for 2021. Lowest Etsy sales since November 2019. I really don't need any yarn right now. After paying 2020 sales tax and a renewal for my Office software, my net profit is the lowest it has been in a long time. You know, I could rattle off plenty of reasons why I should just keep on driving and pass up the garage sale completely.
So, did I stop there after work? Of course! Did I buy yarn? Sheepishly shrugging shoulders... yes ma'am, yes ma'am, two bags full.
Well, there was a sign saying "Fill a bag and make an offer!"
So I filled two bags and offered $30. They accepted.
Quick pic of the yarn
Once I got the yarn home and emptied out the bags, I thought I probably could have offered less. They had $1 per skein posted, and I was trying to keep track of skeins as I put them into the bags. I figured a 25% bulk discount would be a good figure, so I was shooting for about 40 skeins. I don't know if I hit that. Some were partial skeins, and I picked up a few bags of scrap balls. I will have a more complete figure once I get the yarn inventoried. (Total yarn weight = 140.9 ounces. If calculated at 4 oz = 1 skein, it's 35 skeins. If calculated at 5 oz per skein, it's 28. So I was pretty close to $1 per skein.) **June 12 correction... I missed a 4-oz skein in my inventory, so it was 145 ounces.
A little more organized
My shopping wasn't all that organized... I grabbed yellow for butter lambs, green for geckos, baby yarn because I like to combine colors with multiple strands of yarn, purple because I like purple, pink because I knew I was running low, browns because I've been making a lot of dogs lately. Scrap yarn because I knew I would use it.
I went out to the porch to do burn tests. All the yarn in the plastic bag is wool.
I guess I'll be making some wool dryer balls!
As I was contemplating my purchase, I thought it would be fun to track the items I make from this yarn, to see how much of a return I get from my expenditure. If all goes as planned, I will be a vendor at the East Aurora Street Fest on July 24th (9 weeks away). I'm trying to focus on having an inventory of my best-sellers for my table.
Sea Turtles |
Beagles |
Dachshunds |
Scrappy Snakes
Baby Dragons
Baby Owls
So, for the next 9 weeks, I will be focusing on using up this yarn to make items for my shop and eventually Street Fest. I'm calling it The Blair Stitch Project because I bought the yarn at the Blair Farm. I will be updating on a regular basis as I finish projects... it will be interesting to see how much return I can get from a $30 garage sale haul. (Oops, Blair Stitch Project is a shop in the UK. I will hashtag my finished items on Instagram with #blairfarmstitchproject )
There was a pair of thumbless infant mittens in one yarn bag... so I will add them to my mitten listing... so there's already one project added to the list.
I have two projects started that I want to finish up before really diving into The Blair Stitch Project (DONE), but I'm thinking a little turtle or a gecko might pop off the hook as a break from the bigger projects! But first, I need to inventory it! (DONE)
Finished Projects
1. Green infant mittens

2, 3, 4 - Baby Owls & Nest
5 - Little Turtle |
6 - Baby Dragon |
7, 8 - Baby owl in nest

9 - Another baby dragon. (I went to get finished dragons to get a group shot for Etsy, and couldn't find the red dragon that my Etsy listing said I had, so I pulled red yarn from the bin and made another!)
 10 - had fun with a striped monster!
 11 - Tan gecko with pink stripes.
 I only have a few ounces left from the 7 oz bag of scrap yarn! I focused on using up that yarn on Wednesday night... and finished it off with #12 - scrappy snake, and #13-14 tacos.
 My sales drought was finally broken this morning (5/27)! Yeah! I sold the ankylosaur that I finished about two weeks ago... so I pulled yarn to start a new one!
#15 was the new Ankylosaur - in baby green with a tan shield.
#16 was a gecko, also in baby green
#17 was a Mermaid cat with an ombre tail
#18 - Mermaid tail with Retro Stripe yarn and pink body/head All three of these projects were completed during a Memorial Day road trip with family.
#19 - Mood Octopus in baby green and pink
#20 was a new design I'm working on... beach bunny

Just the shirt is from the garage sale yarn, but he counts toward the total!
#21 - Bud the Dragon
He was totally made from garage sale yarn, and used up a lot of little balls of white yarn!
#22 - Poppy the Purple Panda
The white and purple are garage sale yarn.... I pulled the gold and lavender from my scrap box for her flowers.
Since I had the white and the purple out, I made a Ballerina Kitten (#23) .
Kept the purple theme going with #24, a purple gecko.
The purple trend continues with # 25, Dexter
He's 12" tall and took a long time to finish... but I feel accomplished to have completed him!
Oops, somewhere in there I made a half-pint penguin with the purple... so he'll be #26. He's bottom left in this purple collection pic.
Back to highland cows for a bit... #27 is Cam. One skein of yarn was in the colorway "Camel", so he gets his name from that.
#28 is Pinkie the Axolotl
I'm not even sure what an axolotl is, but I heard they are trending due to
Minecraft... which I've never played.
#29 is another highland cow... Meet Pinkie!
#30 was a quick little project to be added to an order as a "travel snack" for a gecko... a mini donut!
31 - "one good axolotl deserves another"
32, 33, 34 - Sea Turtles
Now I am done with the green, camel and pink yarn...
Just started a bigger project with the purple and ombre.
35 - FunnyBee Blue
I got bored with a couple of big projects and needed to whip up something fast, just to feel like I've made some progress... so I made a bee!
#36 - still working on that blue yarn, with a blue sea turtle
#37 was a custom order... but I used yarn from the garage sale to complete it... A dachshund!
38 - a blue axolotl
39 - ankylosaurus
#40 - Purple Dragon
#41 - Jazz the Sea Turtle
(Still using up that purple and variegated)
#42 - Jazz Jr
Purple and multi-color yarn are all gone now! So, I pulled out a few new colors to work with...
#43 - Emerald Green Gecko
Life got busy with a new design, extra projects at work, and getting ready for a big craft show... but I finally got around to #44.
Elbie the Baby Dragon uses two strands of pastel ombre baby yarn held together. He's such a cutie.
#45 was a quick project to send along as a surprise gift with an order...
46 - Another Ankylosaurus
47 is a dragon named Eustace.
48, 49, & 50 were travel snacks to go along with Etsy orders. The geckos got donuts... Fergus got a bale of hay!
#51 is a catnip mouse made with some wool yarn that I picked up at the garage sale. I have a quart bag full of wool... more mice coming!
52, 53, 54... more catnip mice
#55 was fun... a little chicken!
56-60 were more catnip mice, made at Street Fest.
61 was an axolotl using the pastel variegated yarn (there was a lot of that!)
#62 was Dixie the Dolphin, which used the variegated pastel yarn mixed with sold color stripes.
#63 - Taffy the Beluga Whale, using the pastel variegated yarn with white yarn.
#64 was a flip octopus... happy on one side (with the variegated pastel... still chipping away at that), angry with the peach side
#65 was another use of the variegated yarn: a Hug Monster!
Orders, restocking, pattern tests and contest entries have kept me busy, so I haven't done much with the garage sale yarn lately... but I got back to it this week:
#66 - a pink dragon
#67 - I used some of the pink yarn to finish up Bubbles the Monkey.
Oops, I did it again...
Another garage sale purchase... only $22 this time, though!
#67 - I had some camo yarn to use up, so I paired it with the brown from the garage sale, and made this dragon!
#68 - Neo the Giraffe used up a lot of pinks, browns and white yarn!
I would like to finish off the yarn by the end of October...
This one used up a little of the white yarn... #69
Then I made up a little bone to ship with a dachshund order.
#71 - This one really thinned out the white yarn!
#72 This one used up a lot of white yarn, too! The pink sections (head, legs, body) used one strand of pink held together with a strand of white.
#73 is the Wizard Bear, part of a Halloween Crochet-along I'm doing. He used up a bunch of brown!
#74 is a Butter Lamb Christmas ornament.... using yellow from the garage sale bin!
#75 was the wizrd bear... he used up about half the skein of "oatmeal" brown yarn
#76 used up some more of it... with Breccan the Cow
#78 used up a little more with a mini pup
#79 was a yellow baby axolotl
#80 was a green scrappy snake
#81 was a Highland cow
It's down to one gallon-size bag!
Some of the scraps went into "Happy Pills" (82 & 83)
I combined some of the thin white yarn with some light brown to make this cow #84
1/6/22 - Only a little yellow and brown left in the bag...
Project #85 was a Butter Lamb
Project #86 was another butter lamb... since I only have yellow and brown left, there's not much I can make!
February 13 final update!
Yesterday I finished off two projects, finishing up all the yarn from this purchase.
#87 was a cute little bear with a patch:
And #88 was a little yellow chick, restocking one that sold a few weeks ago.
Of the 88 items I made, over 40 have sold, and I have recouped my $30 several times over. Now I need to work on another "use it up challenge!"
I just love your dragons! They're are so cute and adorable. Since your page is called "penguin"; how about making some cute penguins to show off your page as well? It's just an idea that's all. Keep up the good work!