Saturday, June 4, 2011

Beck Diet Solution, Day 2

So far, so good. I have to admit that last night, I was having problems with wanting to sneak a snack after dinner, but after reading over my list of reasons why I want to lose weight, I toughed it out and resisted the snack attack.

This morning I read the next day's chapter in The Beck Diet Solution: Train Your Brain to Think Like a Thin Person. Today's assignment was to decide what diet I will be following. The book talked about how going on a diet that is too strict can backfire, as you get cravings and feel deprived, so go off the deep end. I can relate to that. As a result, I decided on Phase 2+ of the LiveFit Revolution eating plan for 4 days per week, and counting calories (1,800 per day) for the other 3 days. "2+" is my own concoction... LiveFit has Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3... I add a couple of Phase 3 items (brown rice tortillas and hummus) to the Phase 2 plan to make Phase 2+. It has worked for me before... I'm sure it will work for me again!

I decided to sit down and calculate my calories for today, since I was having a special breakfast of gluten-free waffles with Nutella on top. When I opened my diet software on the computer, I realized that I hadn't updated my date on the program for quite a while, so I did that. Then I realized that when I bought the software more than a year ago, it came with calipers for determining body fat percentage, and I'd never used them. Well, since I had two girls at home to help with the calipers and the camera, I decided to go ahead and check out those measurements, too:
Candy, aren't you glad you fixed your hair for this picture?

I need to get back to 5K training to trim down my legs!

I think it's good to have the numbers to show my progress. There are weeks when the scale doesn't show much of a loss, but I might see a change in the caliper readings. 

Time to get off the computer and get in some exercise! 

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