Wow... I was blown away by sales at Street Fest 2022. I sat down and made a restock list. Fortunately, a lot of them are little projects I can finish in one sitting.
Here's what my restock list looks like:
Ankylosaurus - Done!
Axolotl - Baby
Up to four minis... but I think I should have more colors!
Axolotl - Sleep Set - 1 done, would like to get a few more made!

Axolotl, Long
Ballerina Kitty - about 90% done...
Big Head Turtle - one done!
Guinea Pig
Hatching Dino
Long Neck Dino
Mermaid Kitty
Mini Hamsters - Two more done to keep the pink guy company!
Mini Owls - Two done, playing with a new pattern... first Krazy Koo, then a zombie owl.
Okay, I think I'm done with owls for a while.
Mini Pups
Triceratops (my pattern)
Ramen Noodle Cup
Sleepy Mini Steg - Three done to join the one I had left.
Chameleon - one done
I usually average about 30-40 projects per month... Hopefully by the end of the month, my restock list will be a lot shorter!
But I also want to finish up some projects I have started (an anemone hat and a tree frog), organize my inventory a bit better, and update some Etsy listings.
And done.
Okay, I've got a plan... I've got a to-do list! Let the progress begin! But first, I have to go make dinner...
Well, I sort of got myself into another crochet along...
Just started work on Sage the Sphinx:
Sage is finished... and the next project, Felix the 9-Tailed Fox is in the works.
8/22 update:
I had hoped to finish Felix the 9-Tailed Fox over the weekend, but, after a two-week drought in my Etsy shop, I got an order... then another order... then a third order.
So, I spent the weekend working on Forest Friends:
So this week, my goal is to finish Felix (just 5 tails and assembly left to go), start the next project in the #cutefantasycal, a Yeti, and see if I can knock off any more restocks!

Felix - done!
Another zombie owl finished, so I can get the pattern to testers.
Got an order for a whale ornament... first Christmas ornament order of the year!
Tuesday, 8/23 - caught up with Etsy orders. About 30% done with project #3 in the #cutefantasycal (I'm calling her Betty the Yeti). I spent some time organizing patterns and rearranging the craft room.
Betty the Yeti is done.
Three down, one to go in the #cutefantasycal!
And I'm done with the Cute Fantasy CAL!
Back to restocking!
I finished off the teal yarn I used in Medusa from the CAL to make an axolotl.
And another axolotl, and a baby octopus... then I pulled pink yarn and started a ballerina kitty.
Well, I started her, but then Etsy orders came in...
Ballerina Kitty got bumped by a hamster, two whale Christmas ornaments, and my new cell phone... but hoping to finish her early in September!
All in all, it was a good August. I didn't set any new records, but it was above average in sales. (😂That's not saying much... August is traditionally a slow month... average sales = $71.65)
I reorganized my craft room, moving every piece of furniture in the room, and I like the new layout. I made good progress on organizing stuff, and should be able to jump into my next phase of organizing soon. Okay, bring on September!